Repair Christmas Lights
If there is no reading the problem is to the right. Dont waste a light strand or risk using a broken one. How To Repair Your Christmas Mini Lights Press the other probe probe B against one of the flat blades of the plug. Repair christmas lights . The hard part is finding the bulb that is burnt out and most people do this by trial and error. If a section of the light string isnt working there might be a bad bulb or a bad connection between the bulb and the. Just use a short flat head screwdriver to slide back the door and replace the blown fuse with one of the two replacement fuses that originally came with your set. If you exceed the maximum connectivity for your light strand it will blow the fuse. In this video I demonstrate how to repair LED Christmas lights quickly and. There should be two. If you find one open it and inspect the very small fuses inside the plug. Before you can repair Christmas lights youll need to identify the problem with them first. You can ...