Composting In Winter
Decomposition will proceed slowly in winter then improve in the spring. One thing to note is that winter composting is just like summer composting but at a much slower rate. Easy Winter Composting In A Cold Climate Empress Of Dirt Continue to organize and recycle your organics in a composting setup in all seasons including during the winter. Composting in winter . But by turning and adding scraps to the middle you help keep the heat distributed for as long as possible. This process works best in temperatures that range from 40 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. There are a number of ways that you can help to keep some heat in your compost pile during the winter to prevent decomposition from stopping. You have a way to use all of those kitchen scraps you generate and make compost for your upcoming gardening season. In gardening so much is preparation. Your compost may end up freezing at some point and the composition process may stop. Probably the best reason to maintain an...