Repairing Extension Cord
You should never repair an extension cord. This is not the best answer but if you are sure that no damage has occurred to the conductors and their insulation then this is an acceptable repair. How To Repair A Cut Extension Cord Diy Free 2-Day Shipping wAmazon Prime. Repairing extension cord . Use good quality electrical tape and begin close to the damaged area of the cord. These include wire cutters strippers screwdrivers and utility knives. Ad Read Customer Reviews Find Best Sellers. Repairs of extension cords are therefore permitted under 1926404 b 1 iii C. Yes you did repair it properly. It takes only a few tools and materials to repair a damaged extension cord. Its way safer to discard it and buy a new one. Heres a video showing how to replace an extension cordpower plug end while attempting to do it book perfect using a professionalspecification grade plug. This standard permits you to repair an extension cord under the conditions set forth provided the cord ...