Steel Stud Framing
LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDE PREFACE This publication is intended as a guide for designers speciers and users of lightweight steel framing LSF. Use of cripple stud to receive headsill tracks at the jamb studs helps maintain alignment of finishes. Steel Studs Vs Wood Studs For Wall Framing When framing a wall strength quality durability and ease of use are chief concerns. Steel stud framing . There are two basic steel framing components. Steel studs are often used in place of traditional wood studs because of builder preference andor design specifications. Steel studs take care of many of these concerns. Position steel studs vertically in runnerswith flanges in the same direction and with studs on opposite sides of chase directly across from each other. Steel framing is easier to handle because steel studs weigh 1 less than wood studs and can be installed at 4 on center. These include metal stud framing in residential properties as well as commercial...