
Showing posts with the label property

How To Find Property Lines

How To Find Property Lines and Corners With a Cell Phone GPS Are you interested in buying property but cant afford or dont want to pay for a survey. Where to Find Property Lines. How To Find Out Where The Property Lines Are For Your House Have You Ever Truly Wondered Where You Propert Living Off The Land How To Find Out Homestead Farm The publicly recorded documents that can help you find your property lines are typically available online through your local assessors office. How to find property lines . Measure the distance with a measuring tape to two different points on either end of the same property line shown on the map using the sides of your house or other measured landmark on the map. This plat survey shows you exactly where the land developer or inspector. Run twine or plastic marking tape between them to find your property line. Whenever you have a dispute or need to know your property line you should always request a plot plan from city hall. Copy the latitude a...

What Makes Property Value Decrease

No one wants to see their home value drop especially if theres nothing on the surface to indicate a decrease. A noisy bar that opened down the street a new landfill commissioned by the local authorities or the construction of a new power plant can all decrease the value of your house. The Top 5 Things That May Cause Property Value To Decrease Gauci Magri Properties The rate at which taxing authorities reset their tax rates is based on. What makes property value decrease . These are just natural reactions to the circumstances that such economies bring. Sometimes though a propertys value may decrease. Well break down what makes your property value increase over time including real estate market movements economic shifts and the condition of your home itself. A nearby billboard can drag down a homes value by tens of thousands of dollars which is why many neighborhoods are instituting a no-billboard policy to protect home values. To help you out weve outlined them in this arti...