
Showing posts with the label termite

Flying Ant Vs Termite

Its hard to tell the difference between a carpenter or flying ant and a termite infestation. Here are the physical differences between a flying ant vs. Flying Ants Or Termites Black Knight Pest Control Both flying ants vs. Flying ant vs termite . Flying termites have straight antennae while flying ants have slightly elbowed antennae. Both these infestations can take a financial toll on homeowners as well as their homes. Both flying ants and termites swarm as part of the mating process. Both have two pairs of wings and both get rid of them in similar ways. Get Results from 6 Engines at Once. The sudden appearance of swarming ants or termites in flight is a good indicator that there is an infestation nearby. Another distinction is the time of the year termites swarm mostly in the warm and rainy weather of early spring while flying ants follow different times of the year. Homeowners everywhere will start to discover during the summer months that their homes may just ...