
Showing posts with the label refrigerant

Refrigerant Line Insulation

Insulated suction lines are completed by Schneider Electrics. The risk related to the improper application or selection of refrigerant piping insulation can be represented in a simple graph. Refrigerant Line Insulation Installation For Air Conditioners Heat Pumps Refrigeration Equipment Factors that can damage refrigerant line insulation include sunlight moisture severe weather equipment maintenance varmints and birds. Refrigerant line insulation . Liquid sub-cooling is the only method that prevents refrigerant flashing to gas due to pressure drops in the line. Shut system offStep 2. Latest snag is running the refrigerant lines to the condensers. Remove old line insulationStep 3. Armacells ArmaFlex Shield is a flexible foam insulation that is moisture-resistant and UV-resistant product with a durable protective jacket that meets codes and standards. In our photo at above left where refrigerant line insulation is incomplete the drip stains on the attic floor may well indica...